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Qa/Qc Inspector Responsibilities

  QA/QC Inspector Responsibilities Conduct quality activities to ensure that products or services provided are in accordance with requirements   Advise Contractor on QA/QC requirements to ensure Contractor commitment and compliance is in line with site specific quality requirements and procedures   Review Contractor documents such as Project Quality Plan, Method Statements, KPIs, etc   Verify the assessment of construction and installation methods of construction and ensure that QA/QC procedures are adequately implemented   Conduct formal site QA/QC inspections and QA/QC meetings on weekly basis with Contractors and ensure recommended remedial actions are closed by Contractor and reports are submitted. qa/qc inspector responsibilities   Ensure that QA/QC requirements and Key Performance Indicators (KPI), etc. are achieved at Site   Review audit reports on Contractor's Project Qualit...

QC Inspector Responsibilities


QC Inspector Responsibilities


ü Read and understand the project contract documents, detailed drawings, specifications, health and safety, and quality plan/ procedures and assure contractor’s/ company compliance.

ü   Responsible to maintain the record of all quality documents daily.  

ü Raised and maintained the RFI/WIR (request for inspection/work inspection request) on a daily basis.

QA/QC Engineers

ü Coordinate, daily with the construction team and verify the construction work/ activities ongoing at the site as per IFC (issued for construction) drawing, project specifications, or international standards.

ü  Conduct daily surveillance at the site to identify the construction defects and report to the construction representative for correction and report to the quality supervisor/ manager.

üEnsure the contractor/ company is complying with standards and project specifications of the contract document through observations, measurement, and testing.

ü Attends all holds, witness RFI/WIR, with client/ consultant on-site, and closeout of any issue related to work/inspection.

ü Issue the Internal NCR (Non-Conformance Report) related to defective work and follow to construction representative to close out the NCR.

ü Attend all testing (Soil, Concrete, Grout, Asphalt, etc.) at the site with 3rd party to ensure all measurements and testing are performed as per approved quality procedure and project specifications. 

ü Attend weekly quality MOM (Minutes of Meeting) to discuss all quality & construction key points and solutions.


ü Develop and maintain criteria for the traceability of inspection points to ensure that all the points are properly inspected and verified.

ü Conduct material receiving inspection of materials and ensure the all incoming material from approved vendors and as per MAR (material approval request) to comply with IFC drawings and quality standards.   

ü Attend monthly safety meetings and also ensure the work at the site as per safety recommendations. 


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