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Showing posts from May, 2020

Qa/Qc Inspector Responsibilities

  QA/QC Inspector Responsibilities Conduct quality activities to ensure that products or services provided are in accordance with requirements   Advise Contractor on QA/QC requirements to ensure Contractor commitment and compliance is in line with site specific quality requirements and procedures   Review Contractor documents such as Project Quality Plan, Method Statements, KPIs, etc   Verify the assessment of construction and installation methods of construction and ensure that QA/QC procedures are adequately implemented   Conduct formal site QA/QC inspections and QA/QC meetings on weekly basis with Contractors and ensure recommended remedial actions are closed by Contractor and reports are submitted. qa/qc inspector responsibilities   Ensure that QA/QC requirements and Key Performance Indicators (KPI), etc. are achieved at Site   Review audit reports on Contractor's Project Qualit...

AH Brothers - Abdul Haadi & Ahmad Hassan Enjoying Chicken Snacks at Home...

AH Brothers - Abdul Haadi & Ahmad Hassan

What is concrete?

What is Concrete? Concrete is one of the most used construction materials in the world. Concrete is a mixture of Cement (usually Ordinary Portland Cement), Aggregates (Fine and Coarse Aggregates) and Water. In simply you can say fine aggregates is Sand and Coarse Aggregates is Graves. Aggregates, Cement, and Water  When Cement is mixed with water and aggregates (as per required quantity), it becomes fluid and it is placed in forms (molds) to create a shaper as per building requirements.             Hydration, a reaction between the dry components of the cement and water cause the concrete to set up, or harden into durable material (concrete).  Concrete Placement of Slab On Grade and Harden Concrete showing sideWall.  Concrete Types Basically, the main two types of concrete: - 1.       StructuralConcrete a.       All reinforced concre...

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SAES - Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES - Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards Engineering Standards For QA/QC Civil Engineer/Inspector. Under this, all SAES is helpful for QA/QC Civil Engineer/Inspector during QA/QC Civil Interview.  SAES-A-114     Excavation and Backfill  SAES-Q-001     Criteria for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures SAES-Q-004     Installation of Piles and Conductors for Offshore Structures SAES-Q-005     Concrete Foundations  SAES-Q-006     Asphalt Concrete Paving   SAES-Q-007     Foundations and Supporting Structures for Heavy Machinery SAES-Q-009     Concrete Retaining Walls SAES-Q-010     Cement-Based, Non-Shrink Grout for Structural and Equipment Grouting SAES-Q-011     Epoxy Grout for Machinery Support SAES-Q-012     Criteria for Design and Construction of Precast and Prestressed Concr...